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Lyndsay Toensing -author The Beautiful Unbecoming

Anyone in your audience trying to adjust to life after a spiritual awakening? Are they disoriented and confused? Lyndsay Toensing walks us through it!

Perhaps they no longer see the world the same as they did just yesterday? The things they did, the people they surround themselves with, and even their job may no longer make sense to them or feel right. Suddenly, they have new beliefs and feelings about the world around them and they have a hard time fitting into the "old" world. They know they can't go back to how they were living. They don’t want to fall back into old habits, but they aren't sure how to integrate their new beliefs into the world around them. Join author Lyndsay Toensing, a certified transformational leadership coach, energy healer, intuitive medium, and life-long student of spirituality, as she helps your audience adjust to life after a spiritual awakening. In an interview on your show, Lyndsay will discuss how to:

move from the seemingly woo-woo nature of this process with practical steps

Move forward with your new beliefs and create the life you want

Create lasting change so you don't fall back into old habits

Surround yourself with the love and support you crave

Navigate your spiritual growth with confidence

Identify the six stages of a spiritual awakening

Use the process of human design to find your purpose in life

find out much more!

There is a sense that you can’t go back to life before your spiritual awakening. Grab your copy of The Beautiful Un-Becoming so you can step into the life you were always meant to live!