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Cathlene Miner

Cathlene has spent over 3 decades motivating, mentoring, guiding, and inspiring millions of people worldwide including young adults and teens.

She has also been fondly called the "Loving Push" the inspiration people needed and the Queen of Fitness.

She takes practical solution-based approaches to everything in life and business because this is life and can be unpredictable.

But unpredictability can be used to your advantage and from experience, she has the strategies to show you how.

While she is open-minded and inspirational she tells it like it is. She is now in the women in tech space where she has teamed up and created a new social media and monetizing platform with the highest payout.

Cathlene is a wife, mother of 4, and grandmother to 3. Life is busy... But as she says "oh so fun...!"

Best-selling author and founder of Hopefull Handbags Global Non-Profit, she knows that the base of everything in our lives starts with our very own self-perception and confidence and her businesses focus on that aspect first for entrepreneurs.

If you are ready for a positive change in your life now is the time.