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Dana Parker-Life coach extraordinaire

Our choices impact the lives of those around us, but what happens when a choice no longer fits the person we've become? So many people settle in their current situations, because fear and pain tell them that they couldn't survive to change. My guest, Dana parker has experienced transition through bankruptcy, divorce, religion, and career - all in three years. She is looking to share her story and the tools she learned along the way.

Dana Parker has been on the ground floor in two previous personal-development movements, training leaders. She is a highly qualified life coach with over a decade of experience in coaching clients all over the world. She specializes in navigating life change with emotional intelligence. She is experienced in spreading emotional education as a spiritual practice specifically through her development of educational materials, public speaking, and her work as a thought leader. She is the voice of the Inner World Movement and looks forward to future speaking engagements, online courses, retreats, and more.